All Saints Heritage Centre

All Saints Heritage Centre has Closed

The list of who we wish to express our gratitude and thanks to for service to our community over the past 26 years is far too long to name individually. The resurrection of the building from a derelict beauty with potential to the fully functional listed building that it is today was a monumental work of love, volunteerism, and creativity.
To all the members of our local Clonbur Cloghbrack community who worked to first revive the building, then put it to good and creative use, we thank you all.
To our broader community located all over Ireland who volunteered their expertise, talent and creativity to put on the 111 events we hosted since 2019, we thank you all!
We are grateful to Galway County Council, LEADER and Údarás na Gaeltachta, Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga and the broad range of grant making organizations who supported us.

To all involved from 1998 when this project began, to today, the Board of Directors thank you — each and every one.